Who are behind Rimi'z Creations?

                                         Rimi'z Creation is a dream child of Ms. Rimi Das.

She always wanted to be an entrapranure and had a wide interest in jewelleries. She understood that the market of jewelleries is never going to decrease, instead will increase always. Initially she started this as a hobby and made jewelleries by her own. She promoted those on whatsapp stories and started getting orders. Slowly and gradually she started giving jewellery making classes to ladies wanted to learn how to make oxidised jewellery. Now with the blesssings of almighty her business flourished a lot now she has a whole lot of workers working under her and her products are also liked by everyone. She has got more repeating customers than new ones.

           Rimi Das

Being a computer science student the only way I thought I could help Rimi'z collection to reach to people is via making blogs ands making website. Analyzing various social media analytics helps us to understand how much reach our pages are getting. So this is how I am  putting my efforts to bring Rimi'z collection into spotlight.

                                                                                                                                 It's me, Deblina 


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